Dua Lipa Says Many Parties Don't Want Political Or Smart Pop Stars
Dua Lipa (Instagram @dualipa)

JAKARTA - Dua Lipa said that many parties do not want pop stars to be political or smart.

In a new interview ahead of the arrival of her third album this year, Lipa discussed her expectations of the people who did what she did.

"I don't know if people believe I like reading books, or people believe that this conversation is my own conversation," Lipa told Rolling Stone.

I think that's what people want from their pop stars. They don't want you to be political. They don't want you to be smart. It doesn't mean I'm trying to prove myself in that way, but there's more than just what I'm doing," he continued.

Dalam wawancara yang sama, Lipa menyinggung lelucon yang dilontarkan tentang dirinya yang selalu berlibur.

“Saya pikir orang-orang akan cepat lupa bahwa saya sedang tur hingga akhir Desember. Saya merasa seperti saya melewatkan begitu banyak waktu bersama keluarga dan teman-teman saya. Ini menunjukkan betapa pendeknya rentang perhatian kita, itulah sebabnya musik muncul jauh lebih cepat,” katanya.

In another part of the interview, Lipa also said the behavior of several Britpop-era bands in the past, including Blur and Oasis, was very annoying.

Sometimes you have to separate the art from the person.... It's more like a musical element, an aspect that's really connected to me. The way [some Britpop artists] act, the things they've done, it's definitely annoying. It's all their business.

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