Red Velvet Personnel Show Interest In Rizky Febian's National Song
Rizky Febian, musician son of comedian Sule. (Instagram @rizkyfbian)

JAKARTA - Joy, one of the personnel of a girl group from South Korea, Red Velvet, has an interest in the work of Indonesian musician Rizky Febian.

Recently, Joy uploaded a number of photos of her when she and Red Velvet appeared in Indonesia. Joy's upload on Instagram was set in Rizky Febian's Berona title song

Rizky then thanked Joy in the comments column for the upload using Korean.

"Thank you for playing my song," wrote Rizky Febian in the comments column for Joy's upload on Instagram @_imyour_joy, quoted on Sunday, December 17.

Unexpectedly, the comment of the eldest son of comedian Sule, who is familiarly called Iky, was responded to by Joy.

Seeing this, many netizens seem not to believe the interaction between Rizky Febian and the musician whose real name is Park Soo-young.

"Do you have a photo with Bang yesterday, with Red Velvet?" said one netizen.

"Iky dinotice Joy," said another netizen.

"Salting (wrong behavior) isn't it you, bro?" said another netizen.

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