Fixing Nails Is Easily Broken, Recognize Manikur Techniques From Japan
Illustration of Japanese maniur technique that repairs easily broken nails (Freepik/valuavitaly)

YOGYAKARTA Beautiful nails that look healthy can be obtained with manicure. Manicure is a series of treatments aimed at cleaning and making the nails look beautiful. Usually, after the nail manieur is decorated with aesthetically colored nail polish. However, to repair the nails easily broken, there is a manicure technique from Japan.

Japanese Manikur is currently increasingly popular. The technique has been done more than 400 years ago. This technique reflects traditional rituals performed by royal women in Japan. With traditional nail treatment, weak nails can be repaired so that they appear shiny and healthy.

Japanese manicure material in the form of pasta wax which is usually made from honey produced from the honeycomb genus Apis. This pasta is also called a bee wax or beeswax. Launching Vogue, Friday, April 5, nail artist Kseniia Pryzemyrska explained that Japanese manikur helps nails look neat and clean. It can also be an alternative to nail gels that make nails shiny and do not require the process of stealing it with UV rays.

Japanese Manikur is done with a mixture of powder and wax. This mixture fills every basin or bulge in the nail slab. This manikur material will also disappear naturally in two weeks. Please note, this Japanese manikur material not only makes the nails look shiny. But also strengthens the weak and fragile nails. While the honey inside the wax helps to increase moisture.

Japan's Manikur starts by removing old nail polish that is still attached. This is accompanied by other treatments, such as cleaning and thinking about nails. The rough part of the nails will be smoothed. Then the beresswax paste is applied and then powdered to cover the pasta. Bedaxes are usually called P.Shine powder which often contains kelatin and bee pollen. This makes the nails shiny, smooth, and look healthy.

This nail treatment of the fingers is also considered to have a skinimalism or minimal makeup. So it is not uncommon for Japanese maniur users to focus on the fragile recovery of nails and make them more naturally strong.

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