YOGYAKARTA Experts admit that exercise can improve symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. However, the reason is not fully known. It's just that many theories explain this. Research that proves useful sports improve the mood is also not small.

Experts recommend effective exercise can reduce stress, done 150 minutes a week. The type of exercise also needs to be specific, namely aerobics, including fast walks, jogging, cycling, and others. Launching Medical News Today, Sunday, March 24, there are two theories that underlie why stress and sports are related.

First, exercise can increase emotional resilience to stress. The study, which was conducted a decade ago, in 2014, observed 111 participants and compared the effects of tasks that were stressful and did not stress. Report results are analyzed and it turns out to be different between people who exercise regularly and do not move much. The results show that stress causes a decrease in mood to be less likely to be experienced by research participants who regularly exercise.

The above research shows that regular oscillations can increase resilience and help people overcome difficult situations. But it's important to note, this study shows no direct causal relationship between stress and exercise levels. Other factors may play a role, including health conditions. Because people who do not suffer from certain diseases, their assumptions are physically healthy. This is supported by reports of visits to hospitals that are associated with high stress levels in people with cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, sleep problems, headaches, immune system suppression, neck and back pain.

The second study states that exercise reduces stress because it gives oneself time to rest. For example, a person can reduce stress levels in the workplace by taking a walk during lunch break. This theory of time-outs' is studied in a small group of women who experience anxiety. This study found that exercise lowers the level of anxiety.

Recent research, 2021, on high school students has similar findings. Researchers found that taking a break by exercising for 10 minutes during the test week was stressful, lowering stress levels and increasing cognitive function.

Referring to the three studies above, how to reduce stress, increase resilience, and improve mood?

Many studies recommend effective aerobic sports to reduce stress. This does not mean that weight training is ineffective. It's just that this type of sport has not been studied and studied extensively about its effects on the mental aspect.

According to the CD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), people have to do severe aerobic exercises for 150 minutes or 75 minutes per week which is ideal for increasing resilience to stress, anxiety, and depression. People who experience stress related to work, can divide that duration in a short time in a week. It can be during a break, morning before work, or after work. However, it is important to understand and measure according to capacity. No need to push yourself to gain the benefits of exercise for mental and physical health. You are quite balanced in moving and better to make your exercise schedule regularly.

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