Law Cuts Nails During Fasting: Here's An Explanation As Well As A Supporter Hadith
Law Cut Nails During Fasting ( Yazid N - Unsplash Image)

YOGYAKARTA - Until now, the question related to the law of cutting nails during fasting is still confusing for some Muslims. Therefore, it is time for us to discuss the case thoroughly.

As we all know, cutting nails is part of one of the sunnah fitrah, while fasting is an act of refraining from things that cancel from dawn to sunset.

In general, in a hadith of the Prophet, there are at least five things that are included in the fitrah (sunah).

Namely shaving the pubic hair, ending, shaving the mustache, removing the armpit hair, and cutting the nails. From this hadith, it is understandable that cutting the nails includes very good sunnah activity to do.

Because cutting nails regularly can help protect body hygiene well, especially small parts of the body. In this case, the Prophet was active in cutting nails and pubic hair for no more than 40 days.

More than that time, nails and hair will grow longer and can become a place for dirt to stick. What's more, long and dirty nails are very hygienic when used to put food into the mouth.

That way, Muslims are advised to always protect body hygiene, including cutting nails regularly. Therefore, the answer to this problem is that cutting nails during fasting can be done.

Moreover, no one stated that this could invalidate fasting. Meanwhile, the thing that invalidates fasting is to plan to put something in a body hole.

In one history, it is explained that the sunnah fitrah consists of 10 things, including cutting nails. From Aisyah RA, he said that Prophet SAW said:

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

Meaning: "A few things that include fitness, namely cutting (twisting) mustaches, maintaining (panding) beards, joking (sneezing teeth). Istinsyaq (Putting water into the nose when performing ablution), cutting nails, washing between fingers (Barajim), removing (shaving) armpit hair, shaving pubic hair, and cleaning water. " (HR Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirimidzi, An-Nasai, and Ibnu Majah)

Things That Can Break Fasting

1. Berejimak

Ajimak or what can be understood as an intimate relationship that is carried out in a planned manner can break the fast. The fast of the person is also not legal. Instead, they are obliged to fast for 2 consecutive months.

2. Haid

Haid and nifas are part of the biological state felt by women. Generally women will experience a period of menstruation once a month. Haid and nifas are obstacles and break the fast.

3. Mani Water Exit

sperm or manifold can come out for several reasons, such as wearing a partner to making out with other people even though they don't have sex. If this matter is done intentionally then it will break the fast. However, if it occurs during a wet dream because of an unconscious state, fasting will always be considered legal and not cancel it.

4. Deliberately Vomit

The trigger for the cancellation of the next fast is intentional vomiting. For example, by inserting an item in the mouth in a planned manner that can stimulate nausea and then vomiting.

5. Adding drugs to the rectum and Qubul

If someone else takes a cure where the medicine is inserted through qubul or rectum, it can break the fast. As an example of people with ambeien or other diseases that allow using urine capeters.

After discussing the law on cutting nails while fasting, it would be nice for you to also know the '6 Groups of People Who Are Not Required to Fast'.

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