So That The Skin Remains Smooth, The Doctor Advises Not To Wash Your Face After Exposure To The Sun
Illustration (Karolina Grabowska/Pexels)

JAKARTA - dermatologist and genitals dr. Saskia Retno Ayu Hapsari, Sp.DV.E recommends not to wash your face immediately after outdoor activities or exposure to sunlight.

"The skin temperature is still hot, it's better not to wash your face. We first lower the skin temperature for about 10 minutes or 15 minutes after that, you can wash your face," said Saskia in an online discussion that was teased from ANTARA.

If you wash your face too often after exposure to sunlight, said Saskia, it will damage the skin and dryer. In addition, this habit can also bring up white spots in the face area due to blood vessel dredging in that section.

"If the skin temperature increases, there is widening of blood vessels in the skin, it likes to make our skin color red. Suddenly watered with cold water so it wrinkles its blood vessels, so that's sometimes what makes there are white spots," said Saskia.

The doctor who practices at the Tarakan Hospital in Jakarta also reminded him not to wash his face too often, because it can cause the skin to become damaged and easily get irritated.

"There are types, maybe you know there are dry, normal, oily, combination skin types. There are activities in the room, there are activities outside. So it all determines how often we wash our faces," he said.

For those who are more active indoors, Saskia recommends washing their face twice a day, namely in the morning and at night. Meanwhile, for those who often do activities outside the room so that they are more often exposed to dust and dirt or have oily skin types, it is recommended to wash their faces three times a day.

"Don't be too often, later the skin will be damaged and it's easy to irritation," suggested Saski

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