Safe Tips For Convex Asam Patients To Stay Fasting Comfortable
Sahur illustration (Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA For people with stomach acid, fasting can still be done comfortably and safely. To do so, it is recommended to find out safe fasting tips for people with stomach acid. This tip will help people with stomach acid divide their time between eating and fasting.

As is known, during fasting there is no intake of food and drinks that enter the stomach. This condition can actually trigger an increase in stomach acid and even trigger GERD. To avoid this, there are several fasting tips for GERD that can be done, namely as follows.

Patients with stomach acid try not to delay eating after the breaking of the fast arrives. It is feared that this delay will trigger stomach acid to increase.

Sahur is done before the Fajr prayer time is performed. It is recommended for people with stomach acid to eat at the end of the sahur or methamphetamine with Imsyak. Sahur is very important to do, especially for people with ulcers.

It is highly not recommended to eat carelessly for people with stomach acid when breaking the fast or at dawn. You can eat gradually or can by eating a little but often done.

People with stomach acid must really pay attention to the menu that is eaten, both at dawn and iftar. Avoid foods that trigger stomach acid, such as spicy foods, acids, and so on.

Not only food, but people with stomach acid must also pay attention to drinks that trigger stomach acid to rise, such as soda, acid, or caffeine. Instead, you can drink warm drinks.

Quoted from AI Care, sleeping after suhoor is not recommended by anyone, including people with stomach acid. Even sleeping after suhoor can trigger GERD.

However, if there are conditions that require sleep, try to lie down with your head higher than your body. This position will help stomach acid rise to the concavity.

It is recommended for people with stomach acid to pay attention to safe foods for them such as rice and foam. Carbohydrates in both foods can reduce the risk of stomach acid symptoms.

You can also eat low-fat meats such as chicken chests, fish, and fruit such as bananas, apples, and ubiquities. As for drinks, it is recommended to drink warm water.

Stress and emotions often appear during fasting. For people with stomach acid, it is recommended to control stress and emotions. Both will have an impact on the production of stomach acid to trigger discomfort and even GERD.

Those are some tips for fasting that are safe for people with stomach acid. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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