Causes Of Young Children Delaying Marriage
Causes Of Young Children Delaying Marriages ( Zhu Liang-Unsplash Image)

YOGYAKARTA - Talking about marriage in Indonesia from the start until now is an endless debate. Especially when you talk about young marriages. But do you know that today many young people are reluctant to get married in a hurry. What do you think is the reason why young people delay marriage? Let's find out together.

For children nowadays, some people think that the age of 20 to 30 is the ideal age for marriage. However, there are also those who think that getting married at a young age is much better.

Along with the times, in Indonesia itself, there are many young people who do not want to rush into marriage and even prefer to be single. What do you think?

1. Focus on Pursuing Careers and Dreams

For the first reason, this is indeed the reason for many people to postpone marriage. This is because when we reach the age of 20 to 30 it is the peak of productivity in humans.

Generally, at this age, there are still many people who have just completed their education level and only their enthusiasm to pursue a career. Of course this is a quite relevant reason, right?

2. Education

Talking about education is the main capital of a human being to have a career. Even in some religious teachings, it is recommended to seek knowledge even though it is old. This reason makes most people want to achieve higher levels of education so as to postpone marriage.

Although not a few continue their education after marriage, considering that education is not an easy and cheap thing, most people tend to prioritize education first.

3. Worried

Apart from the two reasons above, there are other reasons that make a person delay marriage. Yes, there is fear, fear, and worry that surrounds them.

Not a few people are afraid of the life they will live after getting married.

They are worried that they will not be able to carry out hobbies freely, cannot take care of their children properly, and are even afraid of the feelings of their companions who may change after going through marriage.

This concern also occurs in a person who has trauma broken home when parents separate. Many broken home children are worried about getting married because they are worried about repeating the same thing with their parents.

4. Don't have a capital yet

Even though you are married, it could be at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), but considering the culture of our beloved country, it seems that doing this is not easy.

Moreover, to convince both parties, the parents and family will definitely get a fairly diverse reaction. So it is natural that you do not have the capital to decide to postpone the wedding.

Law Delays Marriage In Islamic View

Launching from the book Law and Marriage Ethics in Islam by Ali Manshur, the law of delaying marriage for people who are able (in terms of finance, physical, and psychological) the law is chaotic. Meanwhile, for people who are not able to afford it, it is better to reduce their lust by fasting so that they do not commit immorality.

Bahkan hukumnya bisa menjadi Haram, jika seorang tidak mau menikah karena merasa terbatakan dengan hak dan kewajiban dalam rumah tangga dan hanya ingin hidup bebas. Bahkan ada hadithnya yang berarti seperti ini:

Marriage is my sunnah, whoever doesn't practice my sunnah is not from my class. And let's get married, really I will multiply the number of people. And who has the ability, let him marry, and who doesn't have it, then let him fast, because fasting is a fort for him. (HR. Ibnu Majah, no. 1846)

So the conclusion is, if you really don't think you can afford to have a wedding, then it's okay to postpone it.

Discussing marriage for Muslims also needs to know what is called: 'Walimatul Ursy Is One of the series of marriages' so that they can find out the law, procedures and prayers as well.

So after knowing why young people delay marriage, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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