JAKARTA - Love alone is not enough to be needed in a marriage relationship. There are many things to consider. One of them is the attitude of mutual respect between you and your partner. When you respect your partner, this will make the love between you even bigger. On the other hand, when your partner respects all your opinions, decisions and ideas, realized or not, this will make you feel special.

Regarding respecting your partner, citing the Stylecraze page, Tuesday, January 9, there are several easy ways that can be done to respect your partner. What are these methods?

No human being is perfect, neither is your husband. Everyone has weaknesses and strengths. You can be critical and analytic about the decision, but don't overdo it. Release dreams about your husband and a perfect marriage. That way, you can respect and accept it as it is.

Many efforts are needed in building a household. Apart from you, your husband has also made many sacrifices. For that, appreciate every decision he has made and appreciate his success so far in being responsible for guiding your family. Remind him as often as possible that you are grateful to have a partner like him.

Be patient, because you feel that you have been with your partner too often, you forget to thank each other. Even though you really appreciate what your partner is doing, it's hard to express. Remember, feeling grateful is not enough. You need to express it to your partner. Say your gratitude to your partner as often as possible.

Communication is the key to a happy marriage. If you want to respect your husband, make sure you establish effective communication. Although you think there are some things that are difficult to talk about, don't stay away from the topic. The silence itself will make it even more difficult for you and your marriage relationship.

One way to start a difficult conversation is to send text messages. If you are afraid to have face-to-face conversations, send a message to him first. Then, switch to face-to-face conversations when you feel more comfortable.

In marriage, not only you and your partner are united but also two families. If you expect him to be part of your family, you must also embrace your family with love and respect. Striving a good relationship with your partner's family can make you know your partner more closely.

Not only your husband, but you are also not perfect. Making mistakes that can affect marriage is normal. In this case, don't hesitate to apologize to your husband. Avoid highlighting your ego.

Apologizing when making a mistake can create healthy communication between you and your partner. Sincere apologies can help solve many major problems in relationships.

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