Dirty Hair Can Cause Infections To Disrupt Skin Health
Illustration (RDNE Stock Project/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Maintaining good hygiene is not only about washing the body, but also includes maintaining hair hygiene, if it fails, it can have an impact on the skin. Allowing dirty hair can cause various skin problems due to buildup of dirt, oil, and pollutants. From acne to infection, here is how dirty hair can affect the skin, the Times of India reported, as reported by ANTARA.

The main problems related to un washed hair are sebum buildup, natural oil produced by the skin of the head, dirty hair as well as a combination of dirt and environmental pollutants.

When these oils and droppings are not cleaned regularly, they can move to the skin of the face, neck, and shoulders. Excessive albums can clog pores, which cause acne.

Dirty hair is a potential breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Microorganism thrives in an unhealthy environment, and when it moves to the skin, they can cause skin infection.

Conditions such as foliculitis, bacterial infections common in hair follicles, can be caused by bacteria found in hair that are not washed. Similarly, fungal infections such as reviews can spread from the skin of the head to the skin, causing red patches, itching, and discomfort.

Ignoring hair hygiene can trigger allergic or skin irritation reactions. Polutans, allergens, and dust particles that accumulate on dirty hair can easily come into contact with the skin, causing itching, redness, or rashes, especially for individuals with sensitive skin.

This continuous exposure to irritation can worsen skin condition and endanger skin health.

In addition to skin problems, dirty hair can also have an impact on the health of the scalp, which indirectly affects the skin. Unclean skin can cause tombe, itching, and inflammation.

Sneering the scalp because itching can put bacteria and dirt into the skin, which has the potential to cause infection or worsen existing skin problems. Therefore, maintaining hair hygiene is very important not only for the health of the scalp but also for the overall health of the skin

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