Side Effects Revocation Of Gray, Immediately Stop These Habits
Uban illustration (Between)

YOGYAKARTA If you often pull gray hair, it's better to immediately stop this habit. The reason is, there are side effects of removing gray hair that may be experienced. The risk of removing gray hair can even lead to your health.

In general, gray hair is white hair. One of the interesting facts about gray hair is that its existence is not only related to the aging process. Gray hair can even appear in people aged 30 years. The cause of the appearance of iban is when melanin is produced and pigments are starting to decrease. Both melanin and pigments are the cause of hair staying black.

For those of you who are gray, it is recommended not to pull it out too often. There are several risks of removing gray hair that need to be known, namely as follows.

Revocation of gray hair has the potential to trigger infection in follicles, namely a place where hair grows. When an infection occurs, follicles will be easily exposed to bacteria that lead to reddish, swollen, and painful skin.

When a follicle experiences infection, the skin of the head also has the potential to experience irritation. The effect can be in the form of a burning sensation in the skin, itching or redness. This condition will be easily experienced by sensitive skin owners.

Removing gray hair will also disturb hair growth, for example, hair can grow inward. When that happens you will experience a health problem the skin of the head. In addition, the growth of new hair will also be slow due to the follicles of hair that are injured.

Removing gray hair too often will trigger black spots in the head area. The revocation of gray hair triggers trauma to create scar tissue. This condition will certainly have an impact on skin health, both partially and thoroughly.

Although hair can grow again, the condition of new hair is not as smooth as the first hair. This happened because of damage to the hair due to the revocation process.

A natural hair growth cycle can occur if the habit of removing gray hair is often done. If the cycle is disturbed, then the hair on the head can grow unevenly because the speed of hair growth can be different.

When the hair follicles experience inflammation or infection, hair growth will not appear, triggering premature sabotage.

Removing gray hair will not change anything, including the beauty of the hair. To support gray hair growth, it is advisable to do it in the right way.

There is a way to deal with gray hair must be done properly for a safe and maximum result. Some ways that can be done are as follows.

Those are some side effects of lifting gray hair. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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