How To Clean Gurame Fish So It Doesn't Smell Mud: It's Really Simple!
How To Clean Gurame Fish So It Doesn't Smell Mud (Instagram @jurassicfishingpark)

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever wondered how can gubrix fish in restaurants not smell of soil? Even though if we cook ourselves, the smell of soil must smell. Is there really a way to clean gure fish so they don't smell mud?

It is said that Gurami fish are the best freshwater fish, so the price is far above the average freshwater fish for other consumption such as catfish, tilapia, and baul. It's also surprising that this food is often a favorite menu in rumahuar and restaurants. The food is also diverse because it can be used as sweet acid gurame, fuel gurami, pepes, yellow sauce, and others.

Because of its popularity, the price is not cheap, cooking itself can be a solution so that the book isa is more detailed regarding the budget.

But back again, there are so many people who are confused in processing it because of the problem of the smell of mud that often sticks to him.

From the initial taste, so reluctant to eat gurame fish because it smells of soil. Meanwhile, when in the restaurant, the smell of mud doesn't appear at all. How come? In fact, the secret is from the method of cleaning gurame fish, you know.

Causes Of Mud-Smelling Gurame Fish

Many are curious why gurame fish often smell of mud. This is because the habitat of gurame fish is located in freshwater so that many are kept in soil ponds that have mud.

Actually, mud is useful so that gurame fish are protected from direct sunlight. However, the consequence is that it is mud that enters the insang and then sticks and makes the whole gure fish smell.

Actually, not only tilapia fish have a smell of mud, because all freshwater fish also experience the same thing.

What surprised me was at the restaurant, why doesn't it smell anything at all?

Meanwhile, when cooking at home, the smell of mud in gurame fish will appear, making us not taste to eat. In fact, the secret is from the method of cleaning it, you know!

If you often see it, restaurants generally provide live gure fish in the aquarium. In fact, this is not just a display, you know.

This procedure is done to eliminate the smell of mud attached to the fish. In fact, the clean water used in the aquarium plays a role in neutralizing the smell of mud in gurame fish.

Walhasil gurame fish cooked at the restaurant will not smell anything. Customers will also be able to enjoy gurame fish without being blocked by odors.

You can try this method at home too. Try to buy gurame fish alive. After that put fish in a clean water container for one day and night.

This is to overcome and clean up all dirt, including the smell of mud on the gurame fish body

Then in the morning, you can immediately cut and process gurame fish according to your wishes. It is certain that the smell of mud has gone and will be like processed in a restaurant. Easy isn't it?

How To Overcome Mud Smell In Gurame Fish With Simple Materials

1. Salt

In fact, salt has proven to be effective in tackling the smell of fish. You can try it by distributing salt throughout the fish body. Salt is not only a flavorer for fish, but it can also bind the appeal to gurame fish.

Not only the surface, also channel salt into the stomach of the fish and let it sit until it absorbs. It would be better if the fish that have been smeared with salt were kept quiet all day. After that, then wash the fish on running water.

The ratio of salt and fish used is 1 teaspoon: 1 kilogram to be able to overcome the smell of mud in fish.

2. Buttermilk

Buttermilk aka butter milk can be a solution to overcome the smell of mud in fish that is quite efficient.

The smell of mud on fish can be eliminated by cleaning scales and soaking into buttermilk. Let go of this fish that is being soaked in buttermilk for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Fish soaked in buttermilk can not only get rid of the smell of mud, but can also increase the taste of ferries so that fish will be much more delicious to eat.

3. Cuka

The next step after cleaning the scales and deterrency, start overflowing the vinegar to the entire surface of the fish.

Cuka is one solution to tackling the smell of mud in fish. This is because vinegar is a natural antibacterial that can also bind the smell of fish and is safe for our bodies.

The trick is to pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar and mix it with a little water. Pour out the vinegar earlier throughout the fish's body. Let stand for about 30 minutes then wash it in running water until the smell disappears.

4. Spices

The last solution to overcome the smell of mud in gurame water fish is to provide spices all over the surface to the top of the fish.

First of all, definitely rinse the fish first. Next, cut the fish body and apply the spices that have been smoothed to all parts of the fish until they are thoroughly. Leave it at least for 30 minutes before being fried.

Here are some references to spices that can relieve the smell of mud in fish, namely; lemongrass, ginger, orange leaves, garlic, turmeric. Don't forget to smooth it all until it becomes a smooth spice.

So after knowing how to clean gurame fish so they don't smell mud, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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