JAKARTA - Actress Amanda Manopo made the latest statement regarding her health condition. Through a podcast with Kemal Palevi, Amanda said that if she has epilepsy or disorders when the activity of the brain nerve cells is disturbed so that it can cause the body to experience seizures. Therefore, Amanda explained that if she can't get too tired in carrying out activities. Because when she is too tired, then the result will be fatal for her. "I have epilepsy and if I'm really tired, I'm forcing it, I'm sick," said Amanda Manopo, quoted by VOI on the Kemal Palevi YouTube channel, Thursday, October 19. Getting away from the disease, this 23-year-old woman finally tries to make peace with her illness by maintaining a better lifestyle. One of them is setting a rest and work schedule. "Whatever happens, at 9 we (shooting) must be finished. So that we have a healthy immune, we have a healthy mind, we don't get angry. So it's time that the algorithm is also good. If you go home again, you sleep it will fall apart and it's not healthy for the brain part," continued Amanda. Indigo: What do you see? This explains things that can trigger his epilepsy to recur, namely when he thinks too much that eventually makes his sleep uncomfortable. "Because of something that is triggers. Usually, if you think too tired, you don't sleep is uncomfortable. So if I'm more concerned, then sleep is like a seizure," he said.

Melihat hal ini, banyak warganet yang memuji dan mendoakan mantan kekasih Billy Syahputra ini untuk cepat sembuh atau selalu dalam keadaan sehat."Tetap semangat Manda segala penyakit pasti ada obatnya, semoga nanti bisa sembuh total," ujar akun @rasi*****."Manda yang tidak cengeng tapi tetap tegar dengan pembuktiannya mengukir prestasi. Doa yang terbaik untuk Manda. Semoga selalu dalam lindungan Allah. Aamiin," tulis akun @yuli*****."Manda tetap sabar jangan sampai mikir yang nggak-nggak di luar sana. Tetap semangat, jaga kesehatan, Tuhan pasti menjaga dan melindungi siang dan malam. Manda anak baik, jangan hiraukan orang-orang yang sirik sama kamu, tunjukkan karya-karya kamu," timpal akun @user*****.

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