Mahalini Confesses, Misses Mother At The Fabula 2.0 Concert
Mahalini (Instagram @mahaliniraharja)

JAKARTA - Mahalini held a single concert titled Fabula 2.0 at Basketball Hall Senayan, Central Jakarta on Saturday, October 14.

Shortly after performing the song 'Play Time', the singer with her full name Ni Luh Ketut Mahalini Ayu Raharja was unable to hold back her tears.

Mahalini also poured out her heart by expressing her longing for her childhood. He missed his mother who is now dead.

My family is on my left. There's my beloved papa, there's my grandmother, there's my aunt. Maybe a lot is lacking too. Luckily you guys still have a complete family," said Mahalini.

"Why do I miss my childhood so much? Because I am one of the spoiled children. I am one of the children who is very close to my parents, including my closest mother. But he is no longer here," he continued.

In memory and respect for the late mother, Mahalini also gave a special description filled with a photo of her late mother.

Mahalini also explained that the Fabula 2.0 concert was actually intended for the deceased.

Actually, I dedicate this concert to her (mother). That this is one of her hopes. I mean, let me have a concert to see. But what do you want to say, God has other wishes," concluded Mahalini.

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