JAKARTA - Since his activities in the entertainment world were not as busy as before, Asmirandah is now busy caring for her only daughter who is two years and six months old, Chloe Emmanuele Van Wattimena.

Realizing the role of gadgets that cannot be avoided from today's life, Asmirandah wants her child to be wise in using gadgets. He also uses gadgets to grow and develop his child.

"After two years, yes (you can use gadgets). So he can watch some shows that I think can stimulate too," said Asmirandah in Kemang, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 10.

Asmirandah only allows Chloe to use gadgets to watch educational videos. That way, the child can use gadgets for positive things from an early age.

"So he knows the function of the cellphone is to make photos, make videos, make Papah calls," said Asmirandah.

Asmirandah herself admits that she often uses her cellphone for many things. However, he did not want to look too often playing his gadgets in front of the child.

"I think I often play with cellphones, but it's not in front of Chloe. So it's really in front of Chloe that's the most videoin' him, taking a photo of him, it's really cool. I think all the mothers are filled with photos of their children, it's rare to take photos of their husbands again," he said.

The 33-year-old woman is also grateful that her son is quite easy to tell about the use of gadgets. He has tried to teach Chloe many things, including the use of gadgets from an early age.

"So all this time, even like Chloe took off breastfeeding, I just asked Chloe to talk, talk to him, and it didn't take long for Chloe to immediately understand," said Asmirandah.

"So I'm really grateful. In such ways, it turns out that the child from the baby actually understands what we mean," he concluded.

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