Geraham Gigi Roots Left Behind In Gusi? Be Careful, These 3 Diseases Lurk You
Illustration (Unsplash/Rudi Fargo)

YOGYAKARTA Not a few people leave the remaining roots of their teeth left in their gums even though there have been caries (holes) teeth. In fact, outlet teeth that are left with roots can cause various health problems of teeth and mouth.

Gigi roots can be left in the gums due to various conditions, such as imperfect tooth removal, broken teeth due to trauma/hard collisions, and dental caries.

However, some people actually let the roots of the teeth fall behind in the gums and do not take care of the roots of the teeth. This can cause a variety of problems.

The Risk Of Geraham Gigi Roots Is Not Revoked

Compiled by VOI from various sources, here are some problems with the health of teeth and mouth that may arise if the remaining roots of the gelar teeth are not removed.

Geraham dental cavities that leave gum roots start from the hole on the crown or expanded surface of the teeth.

One of the causes of cavities is the presence of bacteria which are increasingly eating away at teeth.

If only the roots of the cavities remain, it does not mean that bacterial infection no longer exists, in fact, there are more bacteria in these teeth.

At any time, bacteria in the root residue can become large so that there is inflammation or bacterial infection.

This situation will make the gum area around the rest of the roots inflamed. You will also feel teeth when it is at this stage.

If you have experienced such conditions, the dentist cannot immediately take revocation measures. First, treatment needs to be done.

Therapy that can be done to treat infection is the treatment of antibiotics. The use of antibiotics is effective for killing bacteria that cause infection.

After infection is lost, then the remaining roots can be lifted to prevent the same infection.

This dental and oral health disorder is a lesion that looks like a tumor. The contents of the epulis are the proliferation of blood vessels, fibroblast cells, and inflammation cells.

Granulo pulsation occurs because of local irritation and trauma. In addition, this disease can also be caused by the rest of the roots of the teeth left in the gums.

The diagnosis of granulo haramia was enforced through radiological examination. The electrophysics on the gums will look like vandalized.

Some of the symptoms of epulis are inflammation, as well as bleeding that suddenly appears and is accompanied by pain.

The granulo repulsion can be overcome by excision surgery. However, before undergoing surgery, the doctor will first clean the dental organizations (scalling) to prevent infection in dental corals.

If the epulis is less than 5 mm in size, the doctor will conduct a hack and scaling.

Geraham root remains can also cause cysts, both radial cysts and periapikal cysts.

Just so you know, the remaining roots of the tooth left in the gums accounted for 60 percent of the entire cyst incident that occurred in the oral cavity.

Originally, the radial cyst did not cause symptoms, so the patient often did not realize that there was a cyst in his oral cavity.

From the radiological examination, the radial cyst has a round black shape with a firm edge boundary. Inflammation of the gums will occur when the cyst has grown.

Cysts in the oral cavity can be overcome by enucleation or marsupilation treatment. Both methods fall into the minor surgical category and are effective at eliminating cysts.

Those are some negative impacts letting the rest of the geraham root fall behind in the gums.

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