JAKARTA - Hollywood actor Tom Holland has taken a hiatus from digital platforms and is back to make some important announcements. Through a video upload, the Spider-man actor said that fasting on social media was for his mental health.

On his official Instagram account and said that it took him up to an hour to find the right words. "I have taken a break from social media for the sake of my mental health because Instagram and Twitter are too anxious and overbearing for me," Holland said.

"I was stuck and wanted to keep reading when things were about me and in the end, it really damaged my mental state. So I decided to take a step back and delete the app."

Furthermore, Holland said he would return to Instagram briefly to provide information about the Stem4 charity, an educational program to help young people manage mental health.

"There is a bad stigma against mental health and I know that asking for help and seeking help is not something we should be ashamed of, but it is something that is much easier said than done," she said.

Holland said he had tried all four apps in the program and they were all very helpful.

Before ending the video, the actor said that he would disappear again from Instagram. "Thank you for your love and support. I love you all and I will be talking to you again soon," said Tom Holland.

The post received a lot of support from celebrities and netizens in the comments column. Justin Beiber also provided support. "Love you man," he wrote in Tom Holland's comments column.

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