JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono responded to the proposal of a number of members of Commission V DPR RI to increase the toll rate discount to 50 percent to support the flow of homecoming and back to Lebaran 2024.

Basuki said that the proposed 50 percent increase in toll tariff discounts was just a discourse.

"Oh no, that's not it. That's it, right, just talk," said Basuki at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, quoted Wednesday, April 3.

He revealed that the 20 percent toll tariff discount that has been applied by the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) aka toll operators during the Lebaran period this time is voluntary. This means that the relevant operator proposes it. Thus, the amount depends on the policies of each operator.

Meanwhile, regarding the DPR's proposal for the government to increase the toll rate discount by 30 percent so that the discount can even be 50 percent, Basuki assessed, this is not possible.

This is because later the government will have to disburse subsidies, so that it will burden state money in the form of compensation to toll road operators.

"I think the subsidies are no longer subsidized, (charge the government budget) for compensation," he said.

For your information, the proposal for the amount of the discount to be increased was submitted by a number of members of Commission V DPR RI, one of which was from the PKS faction Sigit Sosiantomo.

"The Minister of PUPR (please) took the initiative (give) a 50 percent discount. Earlier, (20 percent discount) from BUJT, now from Pak PUPR himself, 30 percent (additional toll discount) from the Minister of PUPR," said Sigit in the 2024 Homecoming Preparation Working Meeting with Commission V DPR RI at the Senayan Parliament Building, Jakarta, quoted Wednesday, April 3.

"Even if he is passed by 100,000 vehicles per day, maybe (toll road operators) have made a profit. Therefore, the policy of the Minister of PUPR which is popular is very much needed, the loss period with Malaysia which frees the toll road during Eid?" he continued.

According to Sigit, an additional toll discount of that amount will not affect BUJT's revenue.

The reason is, he claims that so far the profits of toll road operators do not take into account the factors of Eid and Christmas and New Year.

"Don't lose to Malaysia, toll roads are free during Lebaran and toll roads are calculated in normal conditions. He doesn't include the Lebaran or Nataru factors," he said.

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