Prevent Density At Toll Gates, BPJT Reminds Homecomers To Make Sure The E-Toll Balance Is Sufficient
Illustration (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Toll Road Pangelola Agency (BPJT) reminded prospective travelers who will travel to check the adequacy of toll card balances or e-Tolls during the 2024 Eid homecoming.

Member of BPJT Community Elements of the Ministry of PUPR Tulus Abadi said that reflecting on last year, the toll gate has the potential for congestion points. This is due to the problem of e-Toll balances being lacking when making transactions.

Furthermore, Tulus said that people who lack balance must also fill in first, or borrow a card from the vehicle behind it.

Referring to data released by PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, Tulus said that during the Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 periods, there were 28,000 vehicles with less balances in the range of Jakarta to Kalikangkung toll roads.

Meanwhile, at the Kalikangkung Toll Gate, users pay toll rates from Cikampek to Semarang, Central Java.

Even that is if the (toll gate) system is open. People can still borrow the one behind it. Otherwise, there will be a time lag for transactions and it will affect traffic. This will cause traffic jams," he said in the agenda of the Merdeka Barat 9 Forum, at Kominfo, Jakarta, Monday, March 25.

Therefore, Tulus appealed to travelers by car to ensure the adequacy of e-Toll balance during Eid al-Fitr 2024.

The reason is, the adequacy of the balance will also save transaction time at toll gates.

In addition, Tulus reminded the public to fill in more e-Toll balances than the estimated toll rates. Given, the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) has imposed an increase in tariffs on a number of toll roads.

The increase (defense) must also be taken into account by travelers. Losing can be for example filling in Rp. 500,000, maybe the balance content can be added by about 30 percent to 40 percent of the balance," he explained.

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