PLN To Inaugurate The First Hydrogen Charging Station In Senayan
PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo. (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

PT PLN (Persero) will inaugurate the Hydrogen Refuelling System (HRS) facility or its first Hydrogen Fuel Filling Station in Senayan on February 21.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said, at the time of inauguration, this facility will be used as a pilot project to support the expansion of green hydrogen-based vehicles.

"On the 21st, there will be how we have hydrogen refuelling station at Senayan as a pilot project. With green hydrogen produced by PT PLN, we can support 448 hydrogen cars and this is a pilot project," Darmawan told the media on the sidelines of the International Motor Show (IIMS) activity in Jakarta, Thursday, February 15.

Darmawan said that with the pilot project, his party wanted to show the Indonesian people that they had various strategies towards an energy transition in the transportation sector, both through electric vehicles and green hydrogen-based fuel.

"Also we can use a hydrogen strategy where the cost is still cheaper but in this case, this is not a strategy but various options in completing the transition in the transportation sector," said Darmawan.

Darmawan said, the construction of this pilot project will be tested on hydrogen-based vehicles, one of which is buses.

He hopes that with the success of this program, his party can then expand the green hydrogen project on a larger scale.

For information, PLN has compared the price for the use of fuel cars, electric cars and hydrogen-fueled cars. PLN explained that for a distance of 1 km, fuel cars will cost IDR 1,400 per km, while for electric cars of IDR 370 per km and hydrogen cars only costs IDR 350 per km.

"PLN together with the government continue to take strategic steps in the energy transition. One of them is through the use of green hydrogen as an alternative energy environmentally friendly to replace fuel oil (BBM)," PLN wrote in its upload quoted on Thursday, January 25.

The move is also part of efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector.

The almost completed HRS is claimed to be ready to serve all types of hydrogen-based vehicles from private vehicles, public transportation, to heavy vehicles.

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