Want Kertajati Airport To Be More Active, Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno Do This
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) formed a special team to develop a tourism package near Kertajati's West Java International Airport (BIJB), to support the economic growth of the local community. "We have formed a special team at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in collaboration with the West Java Provincial Government to make tourism packages," said Menparekraf Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, quoted from Antara, Monday 29 January. He explained that BIJB Kertajati has a strategic location because it is supported by toll road access, which makes it easier for passengers to reach the second largest flight facilities in Indonesia. With this potential, according to Dis, the tourism sector around BIJB Kertajati must be offered to passengers in the form of an integrated tourism package. Sandiaga wants the bustle of flight activities at BIJB Kertajati to have a positive impact on the community. Therefore, it is necessary for all parties to work together in realizing this matter.. "Earlier I just passed, that we have toroyk this Kertajati Airport together, because this is a world-class infrastructure that already exists in West Java," he said. He revealed that near BIJB Kertajati there are several superior destinations that have long been developed by the Majalengka Regency Government, West Java.

For example, the Bantaragung Tourism Village with its natural beauty to a unique festival called Jatiwangi Art Factory, which is routinely organized by the community in Majalengka as one of the tourist attractions.' We optimize several tourism potentials and the creative economy that we have identified in Majalengka. Including all, if we look around Cirebon, Indramayu, Kuningan, Ciamis, Tasikmalaya, and everything in the eastern part of West Java," he said. In addition, Menparekraf also encourages a more quality direct flight from BIJB Kertajati. Especially routes to Malaysia, Singapore and Umrah trips. Sandiaga also ensures that in the future the price of plane tickets at BIJB Kertajati will be more affordable, because the government has implemented various policies to make more and more residents choose to fly through the airport.

“Saya sangat mengapresiasi kinerja dari Menteri Perhubungan yang tidak kenal lelah untuk mencoba membuka penerbangan langsung dari Timur Tengah ke Kertajati,” ucap dia.Aktivitas penerbangan di BIJB Kertajati mulai menunjukkan pertumbuhan sejak rute perjalanan komersial di bandara itu resmi dibuka secara penuh pada 29 Oktober 2023.Sejak saat itu, Pengelola BIJB Kertajati melaporkan tingkat keterisian pesawat atau load factor per harinya sudah mencapai 70 persen dengan rute perjalanan paling diminati adalah menuju Denpasar, Bali.

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