JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) noted that from April 4 to 15.00 WIB to April 6, 2024 there were 1.187 cases regarding the issue of payment of holiday allowances (THR) submitted by the public through the THR Kemnaker Post. "Based on the latest data at 15.00 WIB, the number of complaints that came in was 1,187 cases," said the Director General of Manpower Supervision of Employment and Work Health, Haiyani Rumodang, to reporters at the Ministry of Manpower Office, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, April 7. He also conveyed that from 1,187 cases involved 725 companies that were complained about. The issue of THR payments reported was related to the provision of Idul Fitri holiday allowances (THR) this year. The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said that her party had issued a Circular Letter of Menaker Number M/2/HK.04/III/2024 concerning the Implementation of Religious Holiday Allowances for Workers/Laboured in Companies, to support the implementation of THR this year. "I announce that with the issuance of this SE, the THR Post of the Ministry of Manpower has been reopened," he said.

The THR post is intended to facilitate complaints from workers/laborers and companies related to THR payments. The post can also act as a consultation place regarding THR. In addition to being able to visit directly at the Ministry of Manpower Office, the THR Command Post can also be accessed through the website page poskothr.kemnaker.go.id

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