Seeing Gathan Saleh Hilabi In The Reconstruction Of The Shooting Case: The Artist Like A Shooting Street Armed With Fire
The shooting carried out by Gathan Saleh Hilabi at the TKP/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

Gathan Saleh Hilabi, a street cowboy in a shooting case in Jatinegara, East Jakarta, underwent a reconstruction of the shooting case, Thursday, April 4, noon.

Gathan demonstrated 17 scenes at the crime scene (TKP), in front of Fourlines travel & tourism co, Jalan Jatinegara Timur, Jatinegara District.

"There are 17 scenes that we have prepared today. But in its development, the scene can develop because there is a mass between the victim and the witness," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly to VOI at the TKP, Thursday, April 4.

Even so, Kombes Nicolas said, this reconstruction was ensured to be able to clarify the suspect's actions in accordance with the existing evidence.

"We are carrying out reconstruction to clarify the actions of the suspect and the existing witnesses. Today, there are 17. We are reconstructing this, so repeating the actions of both witnesses and suspects that were carried out at the time of the incident," he said.

Meanwhile, from the results of ballistic tests, he continued, the bullet casings and bullets found at the crime scene were confirmed to belong to firearms.

"The ballistic test results from the bullet casings and bullets at the crime scene stated that they came from firearms. There are 3 types of rifles that can be used with such caliber bullets," he said.

During the reconstruction, Gathan looked relaxed following the course of various shooting reconstruction scenes.

Gathan came with both hands handcuffed and wore a navy blue East Jakarta Metro Police detention shirt.

He wears long black pants that are folded to the limit of his calf and wears black shoes.

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