Burn Firecrackers And Bring Flags, 14 Teenagers Arrested By Police In Kemayoran
Dozens of teenagers were arrested in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta/ Photo: IST

A total of 14 youths carrying flags were arrested by the police while crossing Jalan Angkasa, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Monday, April 1. They were arrested for carrying firecrackers.

They were then investigated and deepened by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kemayoran Police. For vehicles that are not appropriate, a fine will be taken.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro said the arrests of the perpetrators were to overcome brawls and youth convoys during breaking the fast and sahur.

"I hope that the Central Jakarta area is safe and free from all disturbances in Kamtibmas. They have been secured," said Kombes Susatyo, Monday, April 1.

In order to anticipate the follow-up convoy at the end of Ramadan, the police will continue to increase patrols in the afternoon and evening until the dawn time.

"The patrol is to anticipate preventing street brawls and crimes in the Central Jakarta area. We have also established a Ramadan patrol stop post in a hotspot for brawls, if there are indications of residents and teenagers who will fight, immediately contact the Central Jakarta Metro Police and the nearest Polsek to be followed up," he said.

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