Defendant In Election Fraud Case Says There Is A Fictitious Parteranglih In Kuala Lumpur
The defendant's trial in the case of alleged falsification of voter data by seven non-active members of PPLN Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at the Central Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/3/2024). (ANTARA/Fath Putra Mulya)

JAKARTA - A member of the Kuala Lumpur Foreign Election Committee (PPLN) of the Financial Division of Tita Octavia Cahya Rahayu said there were fictitious voter data updating officers in Kuala Lumpur because they were not known to be in Malaysia.

This statement was made by Tita when asked by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Attorney General's Office during the trial of the examination of the defendant in the alleged case of falsifying Kuala Lumpur voter data for the 2024 election at the Central Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 19.

Tita said that in the work on the Temporary Voter List (DPS) there were problems that started from the results of matching and data research (coklit) by pantartilih which was not optimal.

Later, he said, it was found that panteralih was not in Malaysia when he was about to pay the honorarium.

"In DPS, there are many problems, ranging from coklit, the e-coclit process from the problematic e-coclit application, then the data that has not been uploaded, and so on. That was a small part of the dynamics that occurred in determining the DPS, yes, that was from panteranglih-pantarih which turned out to be, which I met at the end when the payment was honorarium, which I found there was a pantrelih that was not in Malaysia," said Tita.

The prosecutor then investigated Tita's statement by asking about the fictitious relationship with the inactive member of PPLN Kuala Lumpur, Masduki Logistics Division, Khamdan Muchamad, who is also a defendant in this case. This was investigated by the prosecutor because Tita mentioned Masduki's name in the investigation report (BAP).

"Just straight away, what is the relationship with Masduki? How come you mentioned Masduki," asked the prosecutor.

"Because at that time there was a case that Masduki resigned, as explained earlier, because there were several steps that were not in Kuala Lumpur, so there the stabbing process carried out by panteralih might not run optimally," replied Tita.

Tita said, several phantarlih were given the flexibility to take their honorarium via bank transfer. However, some of the honorariums were not transferred but were entrusted, so they were suspected and they were called directly to the Indonesian Embassy to take honorariums.

There they were asked for information on why they could be deposited in the honorarium. Starting from there, then they said that actually the work of pantrelih was not them who did it but was done by someone else," said Tita.

According to Tita, Masduki is one of the accomplices who coordinate the fictitious takeover.

"From the classification together with me with other PPLN friends, they mentioned their many feet, they coordinated with person a, person b, up, then until someone mentioned Masduki's name there," he said.

Nevertheless, Tita admitted that she did not know the number of fictitious choices.

"What we know is the fact on the ground how many people we brought to the Indonesian Embassy at that time, namely 16 people plus 2 people. Then, regarding the phantarlih there were 683 who had been recruited and then in reality only 602 were paid (the horizon)," he added.

On the other hand, while investigating the statement of the inactive chairman of PPLN Kuala Lumpur Umar Faruk, it was revealed that the pantarlih honorarium was Rp. 12 million for two months of work. Umar said that the honorarium should not be represented, pantarih must take it himself by showing his identity.

Prantarlih fictitious was then sniffed out when a panterlih named Inah reported that he was ordered to get another pantarlih honorarium.

At that time, Inah reported, she was told to get someone else's honorarium. Finally, I confirmed it to my friends at that time. When I got home, yes, it happened that someone was told to take it, please ask someone else to get the honorarium," said Umar.

Umar explained that the honorarium was indeed taken by Inah, but was then taken again by Masduki.

"It's the same with Inah being taken, but she said it was taken again by Masduki's brother at that time. Because Inah said, according to Inah, it was Masduki's brother who asked Inah, then Inaah thought that this was rolling. Thought it was rolling: he got it, later it was taken by someone else," said Umar.

In this case, seven inactive members of PPLN Kuala Lumpur, including Tita, Umar, and Masduki, were charged with falsifying data and lists of foreign voters for the 2024 General Election in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Apart from the three of them, the other four defendants are PPLN Kuala Lumpur, Data and Information Division member Dicky Saputra; PPLN Kuala Lumpur Member Aprijon HR Division; PPLN Member Kuala Lumpur Division Puji Sumarsono Socialization Division; and PPLN Member Kuala Lumpur Technical Division for the Implementation of Khalil Elections.

They were charged with violating Article 544 or Article 545 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Election in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

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