Tangerang City Government Masifkan Pengawasan Restoran Dan Kafe Selama Ramadan
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

The Tangerang City Government has increased supervision of operating hours of restaurants, cafes, restaurants and the like during the month of Ramadan in accordance with applicable regulations.

Tangerang City Satpol PP Head Wawan Fauzi in Tangerang, Saturday, March 16, said the Satpol PP routinely conducts surveillance of restaurants, cafes, restaurants and the like in opening their businesses using closed curtains until 17.00 WIB and open sahur starting at 02.00 WIB.

"We are conducting patrols to ensure that business actors can follow the rules set by the Tangerang City Government," said Wawan, as reported by Antara.

The Tangerang City Government has issued a circular to maintain tolerance between religious communities and respect the holy month of Ramadan based on Tangerang Mayor Regulation Number 40 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of the Tourism Business List, as well as the Temporary Termination of Public Entertainment Business Services in the holy month of Ramadan.

Entertainment business services such as karaoke, cafes, spas, massages and billiards to close their business two days before the holy month of Ramadan. Then restaurant owners, cafes, restaurants and the like in opening their businesses using closed curtains until 17.00 WIB. Especially for restaurant owners, cafes, restaurants and the like that that serve sahur, business opening starts at 02.00 WIB.

The Head of Cibodas Sub-district, Buceu Gartina, added that his party also participated in socializing the circular to business actors to follow the applicable rules.

"The sub-district level Satpol PP together with sub-district officials in each region conduct socialization by providing and attaching circulars at the designated locations so that all parties know," he said.

Not only that, his party also invites the participation of community and religious leaders in maintaining conduciveness during the month of Ramadan with positive activities.

Then in the Karawaci sub-district, socialization has also been carried out by involving the role of RT/RW and community leaders. Information regarding circulars is conveyed through electronic media and others.

Then field supervision is still carried out by Satpol PP officers as law enforcement officers with regional patrols every day and ensuring there is no disturbance to Kamtibmas.

"We provide education and socialization to business actors so that they can follow the applicable regulations," said Karawaci sub-district head Mahdiar.

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