PSU KSK Method In Kuala Lumpur Lacks Interest
Indonesian citizens headed to TPSLN to re-vote (PSU) for the 2024 General Election at the World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sunday (10/3/2024). BETWEEN/Virna P Setyorini/aa.
JAKARTA - The 2024 Election re-voting (PSU) method of Mobile Voice Box (KSK) faces a number of obstacles ranging from the absence of Indonesian citizens (WNI) who vote so that conditions are not conducive to those on the Special Voters List (DPK). PSU KSK supervisor Ikhwanul Muslim Effendie said, at KSK number 44 where he oversees the running of the PSU, only two Indonesian citizens from the 182 List of Permanent Overseas Voters (DPTLN) channeled voting rights. Until the end of the PSU period at 18.00 local time, only seven Indonesian citizens had submitted to KSK number 44, consisting of two DPTLN and five DPK who were supervisors of the KSK PSU and four groups of Foreign Voting Organizers (KPPSLN). According to him, the General Elections Commission (KPU) which directly monitors the running of the PSU there was also shocked by this condition. Meanwhile, in several other locations such as KSK 102 and 103, Indonesian citizens came busy, and most of them were DPK. Dalam rekaman beberapa video dari pengawas PSU KSK terlihat sejumlah WNI yang termasuk DPK berteriakan melakukan protes karena harus menunggu satu jam sebelum KSK ditutup pada pukul 18.00 jika ingin menyalurkan hak suara. This condition made the situation at the re-voting station tense and KPPSLN asked for help from the KPU. The KPU has set a permanent overseas voter list (DPTLN) for re-voting in Kuala Lumpur reaching 62,217 people consisting of 42,372 voters at 22 TPSLN and 19,845 voters conducting PSUs at 120 KSK. This figure was obtained from the total voters who attended Kuala Lumpur through three previous voting methods, both those recorded on the permanent voter list (DPT), additional voter lists (DPTb), and special voter lists (DPK). The total voters for the three methods recorded in the DPT, DPTb, and DPK reached 78 thousand. The 78 thousand numbers are databases for updating with three categories, namely validity of addresses, multi-plane analysis, and validity of population identification numbers (NIK) and passport numbers.
Bawaslu recommended the PSU to be in Kuala Lumpur after stating that it had found administrative violations in the implementation of the 2024 General Election by the Kuala Lumpur Foreign Election Committee (PPLN).

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