24 meters long and 2 meters high, located in the connecting flow (Phb) Kelapa Hijau, RT 17/13, Utan Kayu Selatan Village (UKS), Matraman District, East Jakarta, was found to have collapsed due to rainwater.

A total of 10 East Jakarta Water Resources Sub-dept. Task Force 10 were deployed to the location for repairs. They put dolken wood on the sheet pile that landslides, so that aftershocks do not occur.

Because on the side of the landslide there is a wall of a resident's house.

"Initial handling has been carried out by installing dolken and sand-filled sacks to prevent further landslides," said Deputy Head of Matraman Sub-district, Muhammad Husnul Fauzi, Thursday, March 7.

According to him, the next handling is still waiting for material from the East Jakarta Natural Resources Sub-Department.

The coordinator of the SDA Task Force for the Matraman Sub-district Satpel, Saeful, said that the initial handling had started since Monday, March 4. The SDA Task Force installed Dolken wood along the sheet pile which had a landslide of 24 meters.

"The part that has collapsed, we cover it with sandbags, so that it doesn't collapse badly. This is temporary to contain it," he said.

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