Violating Code Of Ethics, Brigadier AP Member Of The North Sulawesi North Sulawesi North Sulawesi Police Fired
North Kolut Police Chief AKBP Arief Irawan. (ANTARA/HO-Polres Kolut)

Briptu AP, who served at the North Kolaka Police (Kolut), Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), was given a witness to dishonorable dismissal (PTDH). Brigadier AP was proven to have violated the police professional code of ethics.

"Briptu AP was proven to have violated the Police Professional Code (KEPP) based on the Decree of the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police Inspector General of Pol Teguh Pristiwanto numbered Kep 541/XII/2023," said North Kolut Police Chief, AKBP Arief Irawan while leading the PTDH Brigadier AP Ceremony at the Kolut Police Apple Field, Southeast Sulawesi, Monday, February 5, confiscated by Antara.

He said the PTDH sanctions were carried out as a form of the commitment of the National Police leadership in imposing sanctions for personnel who had been proven to have committed violations.

"Anyone who commits a violation will definitely be dealt with firmly," he said.

On that occasion, Arief reminded all members of the National Police, especially at the North Kolut Police, to set an example and lesson for PTDH which was handed down to the AP Brigadier.

"Because, from that the personnel can also take lessons and make subjectary reflections and to improve themselves to become a better person in carrying out their duties professionally and adhering to the existing rules and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)," he said.

"Once again, I invite PJU and all North Kolaka Police personnel that basically when we have chosen to devote ourselves to the Indonesian Police, we must fulfill it with gratitude, and work well and not commit any form of violation, both small and large," continued Arief.

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