JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate (Capres) number three, Ganjar Pranowo revealed the reasons for questioning social assistance (bansos) during the debate.

According to him, the problem of social assistance is currently in the spotlight, there must be a solution. Moreover, the problem concerns the rights of the entire community.

"I want to ask the actual question that today is in the public, that the obligations of the state in protecting all its people are the provision of social assistance," said Ganjar after the presidential candidate debate at the Jakarta Covition Center (JCC), Sunday, January 4.

Another goal is so that the public can clearly know about the laziness. Because, there are claims from certain parties in providing social assistance.

"So when there are massive claims, the budget is also large, and the frequency is even more at the beginning of this year, then of course we ask that so that the public can know what it really is," he said.

"When the data was not too good, when then there were still many people, 'how come I can't get it', that's it, and now all of them convey it, so that's a question," continued Ganjar.

While explaining the reason why the question only asked Anies Baswedan, Ganjar argued that he did not have the opportunity to do the same to Prabowo Subianto.

"Yes, if I had the opportunity to ask Mr. Prabowo on that occasion, I would also ask him. This is a public concern. So that the public will know what kind of problem it really is, because it is the state's obligation," said Ganjar.

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