Explosion At Semen Padang Hospital, 2 People Reportedly Injured
The situation at Semen Padang Hospital was after the explosion, Tuesday (30/1/2024). BETWEEN/Muhammad Zulfikar.

PADANG - Semen Padang Hospital (RS), Padang City, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) does not know for sure the cause of the explosion that occurred at the hospital.

"We cannot confirm the source and cause of this explosion," said Semen Padang Hospital President Director Dr. Selfi Farhasha as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 30.

Currently, continued Dr. Farhasha, hospital management is evacuating 102 hospitalized patients. All of these patients were transferred to several nearby hospitals for further treatment.

In addition, the hospital also took action to repatriate all patients, both outpatients and patients in the emergency department. Because, after the explosion, the operation of the Semen Padang Hospital was temporarily suspended.

Farhasha confirmed that there were no fatalities as a result of the explosion. It's just that two patients are known to have suffered injuries that are suspected to have been affected by broken glass or other objects.

"While waiting for the referral process to another hospital, the management of Semen Padang Hospital is still trying to take medical action, especially for patients who must immediately get action around the hospital yard. After getting confirmation of referrals from the intended hospital, the patient is immediately taken," he said.

"All were referred to other hospitals because now there is no service at all at this hospital," he said.

In line with that, one of the admins for the Laboratory of Semen Padang Aad Hospital admitted that they had heard a rumbling sound and explosion before all the patients on the second floor were evacuated by officers.

"I heard like a roar and eruption," he said.

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