JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo claimed his tweet ‘ Ojo Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna' was not intended for anyone. This writing is also not related to the situation of the vice presidential debate. This was conveyed by Ganjar after being asked about his writing on his X account which was uploaded on Sunday night, January 21 or after the vice presidential debate. He wrote, ‘ojo adigang, adigung, adiguna ’ which is a Javanese saying means that humans should not rely on and boast about the advantages they have. "“It has nothing to do with the previous night," Ganjar told reporters in Lampung, Monday, January 22. Ganjar emphasized that this tweet was actually intended for everyone as a reminder not to feel great when mastering something. “ Elections usually people will have their own preferences. I chose that, chose this and don't let division happen, "” said the former Governor of Central Java. " “ Remember that time, twice the previous election, right, there was quite a massive division. There is a tadpole group, there is a group of kamprets, don't repeat it," continued Ganjar. Meanwhile, when asked about Gibran Raka Buming Raka's attitude during the debate, Ganjar did not want much comment. He only mentioned that the discussion between Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin as the number one vice presidential candidate, Gibran, who is the vice presidential candidate number two, and Mahfud as the vice presidential candidate, was very dynamic.
Moreover, it is believed that the public can judge from substance to gesture or body movement. “ So if we show data and facts and keep people arguing well, ” concluded Ganjar.

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