New Program, Prabowo-Gibran Boasts Will Remove Farmers And Fishermen's Credit Debt
Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto together with Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka at the vice presidential debate event, January 22 (VOI)

JAKARTA - Member of the Steering Committee of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, said that the new candidate pair for presidential and vice-presidential candidates number 2, if they win the 2024 presidential election. Namely removing the loan debt of farmers and fishermen.

"It turns out that there are millions of farmers and fishermen who are still burdened with old debts, called business loans, farmers and fishermen. This is from the 90s," said Hashim in his statement, Sunday, January 21. Hashim revealed, there are 8 million farmers who are still burdened with debt because they are unable to pay to run to moneylenders and online loans (pinjol). Of the 1,000 fishermen and farmers they meet, 90 percent are still in debt. Therefore, said Hashim, Prabowo-Gibran wants to bleach the debts of farmers and fishermen.

"Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran, maybe on the second and third days they will delete all the debts. We will do bleaching so that millions of farmers and fishermen can borrow again. They will not be billed by banks. We will delete them. They are given borrow rights again. Want to borrow IDR 5 million, IDR 10 million, IDR 500 thousand, please. The Prabowo-Gibran government will give rights," he explained.

According to Hashim, with this program, banks will not lose. Because, he said, old debts have been replaced by insurance. "We guarantee that national banks remain healthy. It will not be damaged. The bank will not lose because the old debt is replaced by credit insurance, so there will be no losses," he explained.

In addition to debt bleaching, Hashim also revealed the existence of housing and apartment development programs in villages and cities. In planning, he said, there will be 20-25 housing units in every village in Indonesia. Later, in urban areas, flats or apartments like Singapore will also be built.

"We will build 3 million housing and apartment units for 3 million families. We hope that in 10 years we will build 30 million houses and apartments that can accommodate 150 million of our citizens, Indonesians who do not have decent and good houses," said Hashim.

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