Thousands Of Joint Personnel Deployed In Three Sectors To Maintain Candidate Debate At JCC Senayan Tonight
Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro. (VOI/Rizky Sulistio)

Central Jakarta Metro Police deployed 2,292 joint personnel from the National Police Headquarters, Metro Jaya Police, Central Jakarta Metro Police, TNI, DKI Regional Government and other agencies to secure the 4th debate of the Vice Presidential Candidate at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, Central Jakarta on Sunday, January 21, evening.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro explained that the security of the Vice Presidential Candidate debate would be carried out by joint personnel. Meanwhile, debate activities are in the GBK area.

Later, personnel involved in security will be placed at a number of points in the area. As for Ring 1 in the debate area, candidate pairs holding, VIP guests and invitees.

Then in Ring 2 around the entrance to JCC, lobby, media room and non-invitational sympathizers area. Ring 3 is located in the luat section, namely door 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 to the parking space.

"We have placed personnel in Ring 1, Ring 2 and Ring 3 sectors outside the entrance and exit to the GBK area to the parking bag," said Kombes Susatyo, Sunday, January 21.

As is known, the General Elections Commission (KPU) has made rules for the rules of debate for the Vice President and supporters of the Paslon. Among them, the number of supporters is limited and only invitees can enter.

"The number of supporters of the Paslon has also been limited, the KPU has regulated the rules, we just need to carry out the technical security," he said.

Kombes Susatyo emphasized that his party is always ready to secure all activities in the Central Jakarta area, including the active Cawapres Debate tonight.

"In implementing security, we emphasize to all members to be carried out persuasively, serve and humanely," he said.

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