Murai Batu, The Hero Of The Contest, Was Stolen By A Thief Using An Ojol Jacket, Police: The Price Is A Range Of 10 Million
Take a screenshot of the CCTV footage of the Murai Batu bird thief in Matraman, East Jakarta

JAKARTA - A Murai Batu type kicau contest was stolen by a thief wearing an online motorcycle taxi jacket (ojol) in the Pisangan Baru area, Matraman District, East Jakarta. At the time of the incident, the bird was dried in the sun in front of the victim's door.

The victim's neighbor, Roy (47) said, the murai-type contest bird disappeared and was stolen by two perpetrators. The two perpetrators seem to work together to share roles when in action.

"There are two perpetrators. The other one is an online motorcycle taxi driver (Ojol) wearing an ojol jacket pretending to be food delivery, the other one is taking birds," Roy told reporters, Tuesday, January 9.

Roy revealed that the incident that occurred last Friday, January 5 at around 16.30 WIB. The incident began when the two perpetrators came riding together and parked a Honda Beat motorcycle approximately 15 meters from the victim's house.

The perpetrator, who had an ojol attribute, then pretended to look at several houses around the location while carrying packages, seemed to be looking for a customer's address. Meanwhile, the other perpetrators monitored the situation around the location of the victim's house.

The perpetrator immediately took the bird and its cage which were covered in red cloth. The two perpetrators immediately stepped on the gas.

"The perpetrator had time to go back and forth almost three times to ensure the situation was quiet for residents. When it was quiet, he was immediately taken to the motorbike he was carrying, and the other perpetrator immediately returned to the motorbike. They fled casually," he said.

Roy considered the actions of the two perpetrators quite long, which was approximately 15 minutes. This is because the environment around the location at that time was busy with the activities of residents passing by.

However, the perpetrators were still desperate to steal the bird with a selling price of up to tens of millions of rupiah.

"(If) the contest, the bird continues to win. The price is in the range of 8 to 10 million," he said.

Apparently, Roy revealed that the theft was not only the first time that had occurred in his area. Some time before there had been other theft cases, including mirror thieves, and motorbikes.

"There are frequent incidents in this location, so residents install CCTV almost every house," he said.

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