DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency ASN Persons Obscene Class 6 Elementary School Students While Showing Porn Films
DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency ASN personnel are suspects for child molestation/ Photo; Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - The suspect RT (57), a DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency ASN who commits sexual abuse against an 11-year-old girl, often commits his depraved acts while showing pornographic films to AAP victim (11) a 6th grade elementary school student. The perpetrator's lecherous actions were carried out in the perpetrator's bedroom.

"During the sexual abuse, the victim was offered pornographic films through his cellphone (the perpetrator)," said Deputy Head of Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Anton accompanied by Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Chandra Mata Rohansyah to reporters, Monday, January 8.

In the action, the suspect RT launched the mode of sexual abuse by pulling the victim into his room.

"What the suspect did was to pull the victim into the room at his house. Then kissed and felt his genitals," he said.

During his depraved act, the suspect also gave pocket money to the victim. This is an effort to keep his mouth shut so that the victim does not report it to his parents.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Chandra Mata Rohansyah, added that apart from the victim AAP, the perpetrator with the initials RT had also committed the same crime as the different victims.

"The suspect did the same thing in 2010. The victim is also a minor," he added.

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