Police Thwart The Departure Of 11 Rohingya To Malaysia From Rohil Riau, 2 Labuhanbatu Residents Arrested

PeKANBARU - Rokan Hilir Resort Police, Riau thwarted the departure of 11 Rohingya and 11 Indonesian citizens who will illegally cross to Malaysia who come from Labuhanbatu, North Sumatra by land.

Rohil Police Chief AKBP Andrian Pramudianto said this was known when Panipahan Sector Police personnel saw a group of people carrying bags at around 03.00 WIB. Initially suspected of being illegal Indonesian workers who wanted to be dispatched.

"The plan is that they will cross to Malaysia through the Panipahan Darat Islands, Pasir Limau Kapas District, Rohil Regency. We got information on an alleged criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO). It turned out that there were people from the Rohingya ethnicity as well," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 3.

The police also arrested two men with the initials MM (44) and HA (37) who were the perpetrators who would dispatch 22 Rohingya people. This perpetrator is a resident of Labuhanbatu.

"Each victim is asked to pay Rp. 5 million 500 thousand to be dispatched to Malaysia by motorbike," said Andrian.

Currently, Indonesian citizens who are victims of TIP have been taken to the Bangko Police for investigation. Meanwhile, victims from the Rohingya ethnicity were handed over to the immigration authorities.

Not far from Rohil, the police also arrested 17 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar who entered Dumai City. From the beginning 11 Rohingya refugees were arrested by the Medang Kampai Dumai Police in two different locations in Pelintung Village, Medang Kampa Subdistrict, Tuesday (2/1).

Then, five more people were successfully secured by the Hayabusa-3008 Patrol Vessel Ditpolair Korpolairud Baharkam Polri, still around Pelintung, Medang Kampai District on Tuesday (2/1) afternoon. Following another Medang Kampai Police again handing over to Dumai Immigration.

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