JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has simplified the application for a special crowd permit for arts and sports activities. Application for permission now uses an online system.

The simplification of the crowd permit is a follow-up to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s direction with the aim of encouraging the economic turnover of the community.

"The public no longer needs to apply many times to various relevant agencies. It is enough that the application, the permit can be processed immediately," said Sigit when released at the end of the year (RAT) at the National Police Headquarters, Wednesday, December 27.

Not only the National Police, there are seven relevant ministries and institutions that have implemented digitization in the process of applying for a license for arts and sports activities. The online permit system is said to be integrated through OSS.

"Meanwhile, online licensing trials will be carried out on 7 venues at Polda Metro and will continue to be developed to other big cities," he said.

Simplification will also be applied to the administrative side. The basis is the Police Regulation or Perpol number 7 of 2023 concerning licensing, monitoring of police actions, public crowd activities and other community activities.

Later, in obtaining permits for crowds of arts and sports activities, the public will no longer need to get recommendations from the Sector Police or Polsek and so on.

"Such as the recommendations from the police, one-stop services to the intelligence and licensing centers are sufficient once for sports competitions with the seasonal system," he said.

With the optimization of this licensing, Sigit continued, community activities increased by 2,268 or 79.4 percent of activities in 2022. Then, from the results of the evaluation, the public was satisfied with the simplification.

"Based on the results of the evaluation of 93.2 percent of the community, the security carried out by the Police is good or very good," said Sigit.

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