Indonesia Commits To Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Entrepreneurs Are Asked To Be Involved In Climate Change Control
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and Wury Amin underwent a series of accountsmen in Papua, Papua Mountains, and South Papua Provinces from 9-13 October 2023. (doc BPMI Setwapres)

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin asked business actors to increase their contribution in overcoming climate change and sustainable environmental management. "Currently, the world is faced with three environmental crises, namely climate change, loss of biodiversity, and environmental pollution. This environmental problem is a universal issue that demands careful and joint resolution, one of which is through sustainable development," said the Vice President at the 2023 Environmental and Environmental Management Performance Award in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 20, was confiscated by Antara. The Vice President said that the success of sustainable development requires the support of all sectors and stakeholders starting from the government, academics, communities, as well as business entities. Indonesia, he continued, is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 31.89 percent with its own capabilities and 43.20 percent with international support in 2030. The achievement of these targets requires multi-party collaboration and active roles in the business world.

Indonesia also has a commitment to support the target of achieving net zero emissions by 2060. "For this reason, it requires the support of resources and cooperation from all parties, both across ministries and institutions, local governments, private parties, the community, and other actors," said the Vice President. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) reported that for the past decade the Proper participants had increased by 10 percent. In 2023 the Ministry of Environment and Forestry conducted evaluation and guidance on 3,694 Proper participating companies, that number increased 15.43 percent when compared to last year's data, which amounted to 3,200 companies.

Wakil Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) Alue Dohong mengatakan peningkatan peserta berdampak terhadap penurunan tingkat perusahaan, karena perusahaan baru masih memerlukan penyesuaian dalam pemenuhan kewajiban pemantauan dan pelaporan data, pemenuhan ketentuan teknis pengelolaan limbah B3, dan perizinan.Dari sisi inovasi tercatat 1.193 eco-inovasi dengan penghematan mencapai Rp158,53 triliun atau meningkat 23,6 persen dari tahun 2022.Eco-inovasi tersebut berasal dari efisiensi energi sebesar 554,8 juta GigaJoule (GJ), penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca sebesar 229,6 juta ton setara karbondioksida, dan penurunan emisi konvensional sebesar 15,8 juta ton.Kemudian reduksi limbah B3 sebesar 55,4 juta ton, 3R limbah non-B3 sebesar 34,8 juta ton, efisiensi air sebesar 437,32 juta meter kubik, penurunan beban pencemaran air sebesar 6,02 juta ton, dan upaya perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati seluas 308 ribu hektare.Langkah perbaikan kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan tersebut, imbuh Alue, ternyata juga berdampak positif terhadap masyarakat. Pada 2023 KLHK mengungkapkan ada Rp1,56 triliun dana telah bergulir di masyarakat untuk kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat."Tahun ini terdapat 20.052 kegiatan yang menjawab tujuan SDGs dengan total dana dikucurkan sebesar Rp57,28 triliun. Angka itu meningkat sebesar 33 persen dari sejak pertama kriteria ini diluncurkan pada Proper tahun 2018," kata Wakil Menteri LHK Alue Dohong.

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