Reflecting On South Korea, Wamenaker Discusses Development Of Halal Certification
Wamenaker Afriansyah Noor (center) visited the Busan Indonesia Center (BIC) in South Korea, Monday (18/12/2023). (ANTARA/HO-Kemnaker)

Deputy Minister of Manpower (Wamenaker) Afriansyah Noor paid a working visit (kunker) to South Korea (South Korea) in order to discuss the development of halal certification.

"I want this visit to Busan, the Indonesia Center (BIC) to produce additional useful knowledge, especially for the development of halal certification in the Republic of Korea," Wamenaker said in his statement, Tuesday, December 19.

Wamenaker menyampaikan Undang-Undang Nomor 34 Tahun 2014 telah menetapkan bahwa pelaku usaha di Indonesia wajib menyediakan SDM Penlia Halal di perusahaannya. Keberadaan Penyulia Halal ini merupakan bagian penting dari ekosistem halal.

In addition, he said, his party has also issued the Indonesian National Work Competency Standard (SKKNI) for Halal Investigators in Indonesia.

"Indonesia already has Halal Investigators. However, until now there has been no request from other countries to employ Halal Investigators," he said.

In addition to discussing Halal Investigators, at the Wamenaker meeting with BIC CEO Kim Soo II, it was also discussed about preparations for work in Korea either through the Private to Private scheme, Government to Government, as well as independently or individually.

To that end, Afriansyah advised BIC to collaborate with the Job Market Center owned by the Ministry of Manpower in disseminating information on job vacancies in the Republic of Korea.

"I hope that job opportunities for prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers and Indonesian Migrant Workers in the Republic of Korea can develop more," he said.

After meeting with the CEO of BIC, Wamenaker also visited and had a dialogue with Indonesian Migrant Workers who worked at the Sejin Valve Industry Busan manufacturing company.

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