BANDAR LAMPUNG - Lampung Regional Police said comic Aulia Rakhman (AR) was threatened with five years in prison for alleged blasphemy at the 'Desak Anies' event some time ago.

"The person concerned has been named a suspect. AR is subject to Article 156 letter a of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 156 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of 5 years in prison," said Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Umi Fadillah Astutik, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

In this case, the police examined seven witnesses and five Indonesian language experts who were brought in directly from Jakarta.

"So the experts who were brought in were the Language and Literature Development of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), religious witnesses from the Ministry of Religion, MUI, IT witnesses from Puslabfor, and criminal witnesses from Unila," he said.

Meanwhile, the evidence that was secured by the police was CCTV footage and 1 video recording unit with a duration of 2 hours 2 minutes 10 seconds with a link address with the title Anies Baswedan.

"Currently, the two pieces of evidence have been sent to the Forensic Laboratory for investigation and examination," he said.

Previously, a comedian from Lampung named Aulia Rakhman allegedly insulted the name of the Prophet Muhammad SAW when giving material "stand up comedy" at the 'Desak Anies' event on Thursday (7/12) in Bandarlampung.

In the event, one of the materials for the comic AR contained the phrase "Try to check in prison, yes, how many names of Muhammad are there, it's important that Muhammad's name is now, yes, all of them have been imprisoned".

This "stand-up comedy" material quote was recorded in the YouTube video of the "Desak Anies Baswedan" program, which lasted two hours and two minutes.

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