Police Arrest Perpetrators Of Male Murder At Randugunting Market Tegal
Officers evaluated the bodies of the murder victims found in the courtyard of Randugunting Market, South Tegal, Tegal City, Wednesday (6/12/2023). BETWEEN/HO-Polres Tegal City

Tegal City Police arrested the perpetrator of the murder of a man whose body was found in the courtyard of Randugunting Market, South Tegal, Tegal City.

Tegal Police Chief AKBP Jaka Wahyudi said the death toll was named Reza Mahendra (33), a resident of Prajamukti Housing, Slawi District, Tegal Regency.

Officers traced the unfortunate incident, he said, by examining witnesses and CCTV footage around the location.

"From the CCTV footage, it is known that the victim was beaten to death with a stick by someone," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 6.

From the search results, the police arrested a man with the initials MT (66), a resident of East Tegal District, Tegal City, who was suspected of being the perpetrator of the murder.

From the results of the examination, he said, the perpetrator admitted that he had hit the victim's head with a stick due to annoyance.

The victim, according to the perpetrator, suddenly came to the market and went berserk, while looking for someone

The police chief said that the perpetrator was still undergoing intensive examination to find out the motives and snares of the law to him.

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