Jakarta Vehicle Tax Reduction Provisions 2023: What Are You Waiting For? Free Fine Loh!
Provisions for Jakarta Vehicle Tax Reduction 2023 (Illustration of ANTARA vehicle certificate)

YOGYAKARTA - Have a vehicle that has been late in paying taxes, let alone in less than a few years it will really pay. Therefore, there are often reliefs from the government, namely in the form of bleaching. This year it is reported that there will be bleaching in Jakarta. Curious about the provisions for bleaching Jakarta's vehicle tax in 2023?

The reason is, tax bleaching is a program that provides relief to motorized vehicle owners who have arrears in tax fines. In the vehicle tax bleaching scheme, fines will be abolished in order to make it easier for vehicle owners. With this, vehicle owners only need to pay their vehicle taxes without having to pay a fine.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has launched a vehicle tax bleaching program until the end of 2023. This program allows Jakarta residents to report vehicle taxes by only paying basic taxes, without the need to fear fines or large administrative sanctions. As an innovative step, current tax payments can be made not only on weekdays Monday to Friday, but also on Saturdays, providing additional flexibility for the community.

Quoting from the official Instagram account of the DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue Agency (@humaspajakarta), on Saturday, the DKI Jakarta Samsat remained open throughout October-December 2023 with special operating hours from 08.00 to 12.00 WIB at the Main Samsat. Although this policy only applies in 5 administrative cities of DKI Jakarta that have the Main Samsat office, it is important to note that this service does not include outlets and mobile Samsat.

As additional information, the DKI Jakarta Bapenda also reported that this bleaching includes the abolition of vehicle tax fines or the abolition of administrative sanctions for Motor Vehicle Taxes and Transfer Features (BBNKB).

According to information from the page, this bleaching links:

Now for you people of the Metropolitan City who want to do bleaching, here is complete data on the Jakarta vehicle tax bleaching in 2023.

This requirement is not complicated, because taxpayers only need to prepare several documents, namely:

Create a program to redeem the name of motorized vehicle or BBNKB II, there are additional documents that must be attached, such as:

By fulfilling these requirements, vehicle owners can easily explore the vehicle tax bleaching program in Jakarta.

What Is The Purpose Of Vehicle Tax Reduction?

After knowing the meaning of vehicle tax bleaching, let's then regulate what the purpose of this program is.

Destinations To Create Agencies

Goals For Taxpayers

So after knowing the provisions for the 2023 Jakarta vehicle tax bleaching, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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