Bogor Hujan Deras, Husband And Wife Died Buried By Landslide Materials
The condition of the house that collapsed due to landslides was due to heavy rains in Bogor (doc BPBD)

BOGOR - A married couple was found dead, due to a landslide that hit her house in Sempur Sempur Village, RT 01/04, Lightning Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency.

"Because the heavy rain took a long time, causing a cliff as high as approximately 8 meters, hit a Dramaga resident's house," said Bogor Regency BPBD Head of Emergency and Logistics Mohamad Adam Ramdani, Tuesday, November 28.

As a result of the incident, two people died from avalanche material that hit the victim's bedroom.

"2 people died (MD) due to being buried by landslides," he explained.

The victims are Rahmat (38) and Eva Nurhasanah (35).

"For the victims who died, today they will be buried, while the avalanche material is being cleaned by officers assisted by local residents," he said.

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