JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) is still growing. The existing names will be registered with the General Elections Commission (KPU) after the appointment of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) is announced.

This was conveyed by the Chief of Staff for the leadership of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Regi Wahyu, who was also announced to be part of the team today, Wednesday, November 1.

"The deadline is that we will include it after the determination of the presidential and vice presidential candidates. After that, we will include the names mentioned in recent weeks to the KPU," Regi said at a press conference at the High End Building, Jakarta.

Apart from Regi, a number of names were announced to be included in this team. Among them are former Head of the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS) for the 2021-2022 period, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Joni Supriyanto and two other retired TNI, Vice Admiral (Ret.) Desi Albert Mamahit and Mersekal Madya (Ret.) Tatang Harlyansyah who will hold the position of Deputy Chair of TPN.

Then there is also a young entrepreneur in the field of aviation, Bagas Adhadiriga who joins gets the position of Deputy Chair of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud.

Meanwhile, TPN Chairman Ganjar-Mahfud said this name would complete the existing names. Among them, as Secretary of TPN is the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto. Meanwhile, PPP Secretary General Arwani Thomafi, Secretary General of the Hanura Party Kodrat Shah, and Secretary General of the Perindo Party Ahmad Rofiq became Deputy Secretary of the TPN.

"This is for how TPN and parties can synergize and be more smooth in operation," concluded Arsjad.

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