JAKARTA - Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman emphasized the need to stop military escalation between Israeli and Palestinian forces in the Gaza Strip, emphasizing his rejection of the forced displacement of Palestinians.

His remarks were made during a telephone call from United States (US) President Joe Biden, according to the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

"During the call, the military escalation currently occurring in Gaza and the efforts being made to deal with it were discussed," according to SPA as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 25.

Bin Salman stressed "the need to immediately discuss ways to stop military operations that have claimed the lives of innocent people.

It also rejected targeting civilians in any way or targeting vital infrastructure and interests that affect their daily lives or forced displacement.

He also stressed "the need for calm, stopping escalation, and preventing the situation from deteriorating to the point of affecting regional security and stability."

The Saudi crown prince also called for lifting the siege on Gaza and compliance with international humanitarian law as well as allowing aid into the region.

Meanwhile, during the call, Biden thanked bin Salman for his "efforts to reduce the pace of escalation and prevent it from spreading in the region."

Israel launched a relentless bombing campaign in Gaza following a surprise attack by the Palestinian Hamas group on October 7, leading to a total siege of residents of the area and a blockade of food, fuel and medical supplies.

Nearly 7,200 people have died in the conflict, including at least 5,791 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis.

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