JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said strengthening socialization was one of the tactical methods or strategies to resolve the conflict in land acquisition of Rempang Eco-City on Pulau Rempang, Batam, Riau Islands.

According to him, the cause of the problem was due to a lack of explanation or understanding of the status of the land.

"The main priority that we are doing is strengthening socialization to the people who will be relocated because the land currently available is land belonging to the authority of BP Batam, so inevitably it is needed to be handed over," Sigit told reporters, Thursday, September 14.

The government through BP Batam is said to not only think about the relocation land. However, several other things, such as job opportunities for relocated communities.

"Think about the relocation plan, including we think if it concerns people's livelihood problems, they will be found at a location where the community can then continue their activities in order to fulfill their livelihoods," he said.

Therefore, Sigit asked the public to calm down. So that the problem can be resolved by deliberation without any clashes that only harm all parties.

"However, maybe because there was a miss on the field which then appeared a collision, therefore there was an opportunity that I conveyed, please calm down together and then we beat it together with the problems that occurred," said Sigit.

Meanwhile, the plan to relocate 16 Old Village locations on Pulau Rempang, Batam City is still receiving rejection from the local community. The rejection was shown by the demonstration which was attended by thousands of people on Monday, September 11.

The peaceful demonstration was suddenly chaotic with the crowd destroying the fence and throwing stones at the Batam BP Office. As a result, the fence and glass in the office were destroyed by the emotional tantrums.

Around 22 joint personnel were injured, with details of 17 members of the National Police, three Satpol PP personnel, and two personnel from the Batam BP Ditpam.

In addition, in the aftermath of the riots, the Riau Islands Police (Kepri) and the Barelang Police (Batam, Rempang, Galang) arrested 43 people. They are suspected of being perpetrators of violence against officers, as well as destruction during a demonstration in front of the Batam BP Office.

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