JAKARTA - The investigation into the case of the discovery of the bodies of a mother and child with the initials GA and DA in a house in the Cinere area, Depok, continues. Most recently, Polda Metro Jaya found new evidence in the form of a flashlight and incense.

"We also found at the crime scene where the body was found 2 flashlights and two incense sticks containing rocks," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Commissioner (Kombes) Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Monday, September 11.

However, there is no further detail regarding the connection or temporary allegations on the basis of which the two items can be categorized as evidence.

Hengki has only said that the incense and flashlight were handed over by the forensic team for further investigation.

"We will examine this (relationship) in forensics as to what type it is," he said

On the other hand, it was also said that the Labfor team and doctors planned to carry out a crime scene (TKP) investigation again. The search for evidence and clues will continue to be carried out to reveal the true facts behind the deaths of the mother and child.

"This morning we received another request from the laboratory and forensics to carry out a crime scene investigation again to ensure that the results of our investigation regarding the events that occurred in Cinere can be scientifically justified," said Hengki.

As a reminder, two bodies suspected of being a mother and child with the initials GA and DA were found in a house in the Cinere area, Depok. From preliminary investigations, both of them are thought to have died since last month.

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