YOGYAKARTA It should be noted that workers registered as BPJS Employment holders will have membership numbers. The BPJS Employment number consists of 16 digits that must be remembered. However, many workers sometimes forget the BPJS Ketenaga Kerajaan number of their kingdom.

On the other hand, the BPJS Employment number is quite important because it can be used for things related to BPJS Employment, starting from checking JHT balances to claims made when something happens. Then is there a solution when we forget the BPJS Employment number?

For those of you who want to know the BPJS Employment number, there are many ways that can be done, namely as follows.

BPJS Employment participants who lost their number can be re-obtained through the official BPJS Employment website. Checking can be done via cellphone or computer device that is connected to the internet network. The trick is as follows.

Check the BPJS Employment number that forgot or disappeared can be done through the BPJSTKU application. You can check via cellphone in the following way.

Information about the BPJS Employment number can also be obtained by contacting the official BPJS Employment social media by verifying the blue tick. The public can ask questions through various social media channels, both Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and even emails located at @bpjsketenagakerjaan.go.id.

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan also provides call center assistance center services provided for people who are participants. Through the call center, participants can put forward obstacles related to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Cara menghubungi call center BPJS Ketenagakerjaan bisa dilakukan melalui telepon di jam kerja dengan nomor kontak 175, atau bisa juga ke email [email protected]. Sedangkan masyarakat yang berada di luar negeri bisa menghubungi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan melalui WhatsApp di nomor 0811-9115910 dan 0855-1500910.

The public can also visit the nearest BPJS Employment regional office. This method can be used if the online channel experiences problems. Officers will guide you to get back the BPJS Employment number. However, participants must bring supporting documents such as the original KTP or Family Card as data validation.

Forgetting the BPJS Employment number can be handled easily so that people don't need to panic. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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