Batam City Government Budgets Rp 3.2 Billion Each Kelurahan For Infrastructure
Batam City Regional Secretary Jefridin Hamid (ANTARA)

Batam City Government, Riau Islands budgeted Rp3.2 billion for infrastructure development or construction of Sarana and Urban Infrastructure (PSPK) for each sub-district in the local area. "Alhamdulillah, every year the PSPK budget increases, this year it is budgeted Rp3.2 billion per kelurahan," said Batam City Secretary Jefridin Hamid in a statement received in Batam, Wednesday. He said the PSPK budget was to finance a number of activities including the construction of sub-district facilities and infrastructure as well as community empowerment in the kelurahan. "Connecting kelurahan funds is so important for realizing the welfare of the community, it needs to be managed properly and professionally," he said. According to Jefridin, these activities are very important to remind each other and strengthen each other so that in carrying out the PSPK program it can run well, smoothly, and benefit the welfare of the people in Batam City. "The Batam City Government allocates a budget for the kelurahan as regulated in PP 17 of 2018 concerning sub-districts, in article 30 paragraph 7 for urban areas that do not have villages, the allocation of the sub-district budget is at least 5 percent of the APBD after deducting special allocation funds," he said. Furthermore, he conveyed several messages in managing PSPK funds, including in order to organize and prioritize things that are very urgent to solve problems that are faced by the community as well as considering the benefits for the wider community. "The activity location has been clear and does not cause disputes in the future," he said. Then the planning is calculated carefully and according to field conditions. The implementation must also be carried out honestly and fully responsible as well as not committing fraud. "The implementation is carried out on time and precisely the size and resolving of every problem that arises wisely, wisely and fairly, as well as administering activities in an orderly manner," said Jefridin.

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